Taking the next step.
As one of the pioneers of the semiconductor and microprocessor industry, Intel has been a technology thought-leader for over 40 years, not just for hardware, but software as well. So when they saw a chance to help push the next generation of HTML—the long-discussed HTML5 standard—they came to Deloitte Digital for ideas on how they could further engage with developers in the ongoing debate.
Conversation starter.
The first thing we did was research the online conversation around HTML 5 and Intel to find out what people, particularly developers, were currently thinking. We found that while the majority of developers thought HTML5 was definitely a credible—if not fully-baked—solution, there wasn’t a strong association between HTML5 and the Intel brand. Based on this, we decided the first phase of the ongoing campaign should be to start increasing this association, so that when developers think HTML5, they’ll think Intel as well.
Knowing your audience.
We helped establish a meaningful connection between HTML5 and Intel by gleaning insight and feedback from frontline users. By creating the HTML5 Hub, an online community for developers to share their experiences and thoughts, the boundaries of the software’s efficacy were pushed to the limit. Influential developers were recruited to share thoughts, posts, roundtable discussions, and more to spark the conversation and improve the overall HTML5 experience. Last but not least, we lined up a series of high-profile projects with iconic brands like Rolling Stone and IGN to create exciting HTML5 experiences and drive viewers to the HTML5 Hub.